Thursday, February 4, 2016

Week 1

Dear Adoption Community,

That's right, you are now part of our adoption community! We really appreciate you taking the time to read our little blog, so that officially makes you part of our adoption story. Welcome aboard!

This has been a really exciting week for Jeff and I as we have officially announced our plans to adopt! God has really placed in our hearts a passion for adoption over the last few months, and after having a week off from school because of "Snowzilla," and talking and praying about adoption every day, we decided that God was leading us in that direction. We called our families who immediately gave us their support and encouragement. I told my best girlfriend and our friends at our home group and even a few co-workers. Everyone is just so excited!

I can honestly say, that before this fall, the idea of expanding our family through adoption never really occurred to me. I saw my friends announcing pregnancies and posting pictures of newborns on social media and just assumed that we would eventually do the same. God, however, decided to take us in another direction. All that we've been through these last few months has been difficult and challenging and I've probably shed more tears than I ever have, but God has been in control the entire time. Our Faith has increased tremendously, we have grown much closer as a couple, and now we have been blessed with the excitement of adoption. God is so good!

So, as we begin this adventure, we welcome you to take it with us. I intend to blog weekly providing you with our adoption status updates, prayer requests, and verses that have touched our hearts. We humbly ask for your support with your prayer and your encouraging words. We also ask that you begin prayerfully considering donating to our adoption fund. Adoption is, to put it bluntly, expensive. We will be conducting a variety of fundraisers over the next several months to help us with the costs associated with adoption, and we would be so touched if you decided to invest in our future family.

Many Blessings,
Sara & Jeff

How you can pray for us this week:

Please pray that God would lead us to the right adoption agency and social worker. Pray that as we begin making important decisions as to the type of adoption we will pursue, we make wise and Godly decisions. Pray that we would have strength and courage as we begin this journey.

Psalm 113:9

"He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. Praise the Lord."

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