Sunday, February 21, 2016

Week 3

Dear Adoption Community,

Thank you to everyone who has purchased a t-shirt! Our first fundraiser has gotten off to a great start with at least 33 shirts sold! Again, if you are interested in purchasing one, you can see the details on Facebook or on the blog post from Week 2. I'm not placing the order until March 1, so you still have time to buy one if you'd like.

Our next step is finding an adoption agency. Jeff and I have been praying daily that God would lead us to the right agency and put Godly people in our path who have our, our future baby's, and the birthmother's best interests in mind. This Tuesday, we will be attending an informational session at an adoption agency (I've decided not to mention them by name until after we've chosen one) that has a branch in the D.C. area. We are really excited for this meeting! This is just another step closer in meeting our baby. We are also considering another agency that is not in the local area; however, we have received great information and a glowing review from friends who have used that agency to adopt one baby and are beginning the process again! We definitely have our work cut out for us when it comes to making this choice, and we pray that God will make it clear to us where we need to be.

Jeff and I are also in the midst of making other very important, and sometimes even scary, decisions about our baby. We've decided that, just like with pregnancy, we do not want to choose a gender. Whatever God's will is for our family, we're okay with that. So we may end up with a little girl or a little boy or even twins (yes, we're checking the box that says we'd welcome twins into the family!). The "not knowing" makes it even more exciting!

Other decisions that haven't been so easy for us have dealt with race, special needs, and exposure to alcohol and/or drugs prior to birth. To be honest, we don't have all the answers right now. We're praying very hard about each of these decisions and seeking council from our families, other couples who have adopted, and even medical professionals. Many times when we begin talking about race or babies who have special challenges, it's uncomfortable to say the least, and ugly at worst. I've had thoughts like: "Am I being racist?" "Shouldn't we accept all children into our home?" "I don't want the agency to think we're snobbish if we don't check all the boxes." The truth that I'm learning to accept now is that Jeff and I just simply aren't equipped to deal with all levels of need. And that's okay...I think. I'm still working through all of this. For instance, we know that after the baby is born and my maternity leave is up, I will have to go back to work. On two teachers' salaries, living in the suburbs of D.C., being a stay-at-home-mom just isn't an option for us right now (who knows what God has in store down the road). So, we've determined that adopting a child with severe special needs probably isn't in the best interest of the child. Again, we're still working through all of this. Pray that we would have clarity and guidance as we make these tough, tough choices regarding our future baby.

As we inch closer to putting ink on paper by completing applications and paperwork, I can honestly say that I feel like an expectant momma. My heart is so full and eager to meet our baby. I know it will take months, possibly years until that day arrives, but when it oh my, what a special occasion that will be. I can't even imagine how I will feel. My eyes are watering now just thinking of it. One thing is for certain, that child will be loved.

Many Blessings,
Sara & Jeff

How you can pray for us this week

Pray that we would be led to the agency that God wants us to use. Also, pray that as we make important decisions, we would listen to what God is saying and that His will be done.

Isaiah 43:5-7

Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west. I will say to the north, 'Give them up!' and to the south, 'Do not hold them back.' Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth - everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, who I formed and made.

Isaiah 43:18-19

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Week 2

Dear Adoption Community,

Jeff and I have been completely overwhelmed (in a very positive way) by the amount of support we have received since announcing our plans to adopt. We are truly grateful for your encouraging words, reassurance, and hugs! It has also been wonderful hearing stories of how adoption has effected your lives. I had no idea that it has touched so many people. It's been an inspiration to hear such positive stories about adoption from families who have adopted and from individuals who were blessed by being adopted. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences with us and letting us know that we're not alone.

If you missed our Facebook announcement, here is our chocolate lab, Sherlock, doing the honors:
 *Not pictured: 173 failed attempts of an 9-month-old lab puppy running in and out of the frame. 

We are also excited to announce our first fundraiser! We will be selling t-shirts now through the end of February. They are Hanes Tagless, 100% cotton, crewneck white t-shirts. The have been pre-shrunk, so keep that in mind when you choose your size. The sizes run from youth extra small up to 4XL. We are selling each shirt for $12.00. If you are interested in purchasing one (or multiple), please email me, message me on Facebook, text or call me with your size preference, and I will reply with our address so you can mail us your check (if you're a friend who lives far away). I plan to place the order on March 1 and shirts should arrive in mid-March. I will then contact you about distribution. I created the shirt, pictured below, using Custom Ink.  Please note, the "do your part" is written in maroon even though it looks pink on some computers. The shirts are gender-neutral.

For those of you who don't know us personally, or are just curious as to where your money will go or how Jeff and I are preparing for the adoption, I would like to take some time to tell you. First, please don't ever feel pressured to donate. Some people will be called to help us financially and some won't. And that's okay! Perhaps there is another cause to which you give charitably; God places within us different desires. We do ask that you keep us in your prayers, though, as we go through the adoption process. James 5:16 says, "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective."

Jeff and I have been working extremely hard to save our own resources for adoption, but on two teachers' salaries, it's a challenge. To provide us with additional income, Jeff has taught an extra class this year by giving up a planning period, and in March, I will begin teaching an evening class. I also hope to have the opportunity to teach summer school again, but that's based on need and availability. We never want to give anyone the impression that we are sitting idly while we wait on the generosity of others. 

I must admit, at first, I felt a little awkward about fundraising for our adoption. After all, if I was pregnant, I wouldn't expect people to help us with our medical bills. However, after our struggle with infertility and the unspeakable sadness and goes along with that, we knew that if we were to make adoption a reality for us, we would have to swallow our pride and organize a few fundraisers. I also began reaching out to other families who successfully raised the funds to bring their baby home. It seems that this is a very normal and accepted way to tackle the expense of adoption. We also know that if we are truly being called by God to adopt, he will provide for us, even if that means relying on the generosity of others. Jeremiah 29:11 encourages us by saying,"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

To address some specifics as to where your money will go, I can give a general overview, but each adoption is like a snowflake; it's unique. It's difficult to say exactly what expenses will arise once we begin, but here are some things we know. Once we select an agency and are approved to adopt, we will need to conduct a home study and file background clearances. After we are "matched" with a birthmother, we will begin paying for her expenses. Many people, after first hearing this, think it's weird that we would pay for her medical bills, and in some cases, cost of living expenses. But think of it this way: this woman loves her baby so much that she is willing to give him or her up. Can you imagine? What sacrificial love. So yes, if that special lady wants extra money for better nutrition, you better believe Jeff and I will ensure she is comfortable and healthy while she carries our child. Then, once the baby is born, we will owe the remaining balance. Travel and other unforeseen expenses could also arise during the process. As we get deeper into the adoption process, I can let you know more specifics. 

Again, my intention is to be as transparent as possible. If you ever have any questions, please contact Jeff or I. 

Many Blessings,
Sara & Jeff

How you can pray for us this week:

Please pray as we roll-out our t-shirt fundraiser that we would get a good response. Also, continue praying that we would be led to the agency God would have for us. 

Luke 18:16

But Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Week 1

Dear Adoption Community,

That's right, you are now part of our adoption community! We really appreciate you taking the time to read our little blog, so that officially makes you part of our adoption story. Welcome aboard!

This has been a really exciting week for Jeff and I as we have officially announced our plans to adopt! God has really placed in our hearts a passion for adoption over the last few months, and after having a week off from school because of "Snowzilla," and talking and praying about adoption every day, we decided that God was leading us in that direction. We called our families who immediately gave us their support and encouragement. I told my best girlfriend and our friends at our home group and even a few co-workers. Everyone is just so excited!

I can honestly say, that before this fall, the idea of expanding our family through adoption never really occurred to me. I saw my friends announcing pregnancies and posting pictures of newborns on social media and just assumed that we would eventually do the same. God, however, decided to take us in another direction. All that we've been through these last few months has been difficult and challenging and I've probably shed more tears than I ever have, but God has been in control the entire time. Our Faith has increased tremendously, we have grown much closer as a couple, and now we have been blessed with the excitement of adoption. God is so good!

So, as we begin this adventure, we welcome you to take it with us. I intend to blog weekly providing you with our adoption status updates, prayer requests, and verses that have touched our hearts. We humbly ask for your support with your prayer and your encouraging words. We also ask that you begin prayerfully considering donating to our adoption fund. Adoption is, to put it bluntly, expensive. We will be conducting a variety of fundraisers over the next several months to help us with the costs associated with adoption, and we would be so touched if you decided to invest in our future family.

Many Blessings,
Sara & Jeff

How you can pray for us this week:

Please pray that God would lead us to the right adoption agency and social worker. Pray that as we begin making important decisions as to the type of adoption we will pursue, we make wise and Godly decisions. Pray that we would have strength and courage as we begin this journey.

Psalm 113:9

"He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. Praise the Lord."